Sun Lakes Evening Lions Easter Bunny Helpers

Christine Linder

Members of Sun Lakes (evening) Lions Club and Girl Scout Troop 3987 were commissioned by the Easter Bunny to help him fill 1,500 easter eggs, which he will be delivering to children of residents here in Sun Lakes on March 30 beginning at 9 a.m.

There was a lot of laughter, conversation, and productivity. Thanks to all who helped!

The club would like to say thank you to all who donated Easter eggs for this annual event. The administration kindly sent a notice to all residents that we were in need of 2,000 eggs, and to our utter astonishment, a whopping 5,000 were donated. Thank you for your generosity.

We look forward to seeing you at the Easter Egg Hunt on March 30. Come one, come all. Don’t forget to stick around for the Easter Cart Parade beginning at 10 a.m.