Sun Lakes firefighters assisted the Sun Lakes Women’s Association in getting ready for their yearly bazaar (photos by Brian Curry).
Brian Curry
A group of Sun Lakes firefighters from their union (Local 3560) once again assisted the Sun Lakes Women’s Association get ready for their yearly bazaar. The firefighters emptied out various storage areas of heavy salable items. The union participates in this fundraiser set up every year to thank the SLWA for their generosity and support towards the Fire District. In the fourth row from left kneeling, is Sun Lakes resident and a volunteer firefighter from upstate New York (Cazenovia FD) Charlie Enders who helps the SLFD every year and everyone else kneeling with him are young volunteers from the Central Arizona Institute of Technology (CAVIT) which is a public school district that has partnered with eight high schools where students in the 11th and 12th grade can begin to prepare for careers while in high school. The CAVIT fire science program is a two year course of study that allows students to learn firefighting skills while obtaining college credits.