The Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation (SLJC) is an established reform congregation that meets at the Sun Lakes Chapel on the second Friday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Services are a great opportunity to meet new people, connect with Judaism and learn. New attendees are invited to be introduced at the service and members of the congregation connect with these attendees. Oneg Shabbats are held immediately after the service at Sun Lakes Country Club. Everyone is invited to attend. The Onegs are a great place to meet members, ask questions and learn more about our congregation.
The Rabbi opened the service with a remembrance of the Paris terrorism victims.
On Friday evening, January 9, SLJC inducted their new Board of Directors. They are President Wende Levy, Vice President Jeffrey Spear, Treasurer Michael Dar, Recording Secretary Geri Gould and Members at Large include Marty Silverman, Arthur Fink, Mark Salita, Mark Nelinson, Ron Siegal, Carol Biales-Sisterhood and Paul Herman-Men’s Club. Outgoing Board members include Sandy Jennings, Larry Shapiro, Wende Feldman-Kerr, Tom Mohr and Gary Kanowsky. Rabbi Wiener conducted the installation of officers. Outgoing officers were called to the bema in order to recognize the work and efforts of each board member.
As we look forward to the coming months there will be a service on Friday, February 13 which will be conducted by the SLJC Sisterhood. On February 3 from 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. the Sisterhood will be having their annual Card Party. This is a fun filled day with games, festive basket raffles and lunch.
The 20th Anniversary Concert for the Interfaith Music Festival will be held on March 8 at 3:00 p.m. This is an opportunity to support Neighbors Who Care. The cost of the tickets will be $5. The director of this event is Lana Oyer, the director of the SLJC Choir.
Mark your calendars: On Saturday, April 4 (second night of Seder) SLJC will hold their annual Passover Seder at the Sun Lakes Country Club. The cost will be $40 per adult, $12 per child 4-12 and there will be no charge for children age three and under. Rabbi Irwin Wiener will conduct our Seder and everyone is welcome. This is a wonderful event with food catered by Heidi’s Events & Catering.
SLJC is looking for volunteers for several committees including the New Member Committee, Interfaith Council and Fundraising Committee. If you are interested in working on any of these initiatives please contact Wende Levy at