Doris Codkind, Publicity
December promises to be a very interesting and entertaining month for our congregation. Who cannot get excited about Hanukkah which begins at sundown on December 2. Young and old alike look forward to this happy holiday.
Something is new in the Adult Education area. We are starting a Shabbat Film Salon series hosted by SLJC and the Villas at Ocotillo … Saturday afternoon at the movies! Movies on a Jewish subject or concern will be shown, with the first being Gentleman’s Agreement on December 8 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Villas at Ocotillo, the northeast corner of Alma School Road and Ocotillo. The movie, popcorn and drinks are free, but you must call to make a reservation, as space is limited. Please call Geri at 480-802-1832 to reserve a spot. Sounds like a fun afternoon!
Our regular Friday night service on December 14 will include a tribute to Hanukkah. Immediately following the service, at our special oneg, we will be entertained by Chuck Field, a ventriloquist, with his friends Ziggy and Dr. Sol. Please plan to attend and bring your family, and definitely your grandchildren, to this special event. Just a reminder that the services will start at 7:00 p.m.
Read your email and the Shpiel for upcoming events at our Men’s Club, Sisterhood and affiliated organizations such as Hadassah and Friends of Israel.