Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Sisterhood Events

Esther Spear

The next meeting of the Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Sisterhood will take place on Thursday, Feb. 15, at 1 p.m. in the Chapel Center. It will be a special Baby Shower for women veterans. Our speaker will be from the Maternity Outreach for Moms program, which is a collaborative effort between the Phoenix VA and Veterans First Ltd. The Moms program assists pregnant female veterans in providing items for mothers and their newborn babies. We will have a baby shower basket as part of our “Gifts from the Heart” theme for the day. For a list of requested items, please contact Esther at [email protected].

It is time to register for our annual Card Party fundraiser, which will take place on Monday, March 11, at 10 a.m. at Oakwood Country Club in Sun Lakes. Proceeds from this event are donated to local charities. Gather your group for a fun day to play Mah Jongg, bridge, canasta, Scrabble, or any other game, or come alone and we’ll place you in a group to meet new friends. Highlights of the day include a delicious buffet lunch, amazing gift baskets, a bake sale, and a cash raffle. Registration deadline is March 1. For more details, contact Carol at [email protected].