Verla Matuschka, Publicity
Welcome to our recent new members Debbie Beausejour, Ruth Gregg and Bernadette Haar. It is great to add new names to our membership list. We hope you enjoy playing with the Niners and participating in our social activities. If you have any questions, we have a great Big Sister who will provide you with information. Also, for any others wishing to have more information about becoming a member of the Niners, please contact president Carole Kinderman at 480-802-7663.
March play times will be at 9:00 a.m. on the regular play days (3rd, 17th and 24th) and noon on the 10th. The general meeting is the 10th at 10:00 a.m. in the Friendship Room. The meetings are important so please try to attend.
March 31 is the date set aside for the Glo-ball Tournament. It was scheduled earlier but canceled due to Arizona cold weather! More information about this event will be posted on the bulletin board in Mulligan’s sign up room and sent to you via e-mail.
Other March events include the Apache Wells Invitational on the 11th. The ladies who have registered to attend will meet in the Mulligan’s parking lot at 7:00 a.m.
The Niners will participate in the monthly Flea Market held in the Sun Lakes parking lot on the 21st. Members are encouraged to donate items for sale. Barbara Steadman is willing to collect the items at her home at 9349 E. Fairway Blvd. Please have your items priced.
Recent golf winners:
1/06. – Scramble: Team winning with a score of 31: Susan Geis, Phyllis Truesdale, Lorraine Brammer and Celeste Dorsey
1/13. Flight 1: Betty Desrochers (47); Flight 2: Carole Kinderman (44); Flight 3: Kay Stahlheber (47)
1/20. Flight 1: Susan Geis (38); Flight 2: Phyllis Truesdale (47); Flight 3: Donna Sullivan (51); Flight 4: Bernadette Haar (50); Flight 5: Phyllis Swanson (52)
1/17. Partner Scramble: Two teams tied for first place with a score of 30: Carole/Dick Kinderman and Celeste/David Dorsey, and Donna/David Sullivan, Judy Sleasman and John (Bob) Culver