Sun Lakes Pickleball Club Cottonwood Starts a New Year!

Left to right: Tony Casillas, Mary Roper, Charlene Wisbey, Bud Johnson, Lyndi Thom, Jim Carlson

Lorri Morgan, Communications

April 1 is the start of our new year, and we have brand-new, shiny officers to welcome the new year and make our club better and better. Bud Johnson takes the helm as president and Lyndi Thom as secretary. Jim Carlson has another year as vice president and Tony Casillas as member-at large. Treasurer Charlene Wisbey is resigning, and that spot hasn’t been filled as of this writing. The March 7 club meeting included a big thanks (an enormous card) for outgoing president Mary Roper. None of our clubs and committees could operate without the hours and hours of volunteer time, and we thank you!

With the start of a new season, pickleball dues are now accepted for the year. The board has been discussing changing our calendar year to better accommodate snowbirds and part-timers. As of now, there is no prorated dues schedule.

The packed room for the meeting also loudly applauded the work of Renee Seifert and her army of volunteers who flawlessly pulled off the huge NIT tournament that just concluded. Read all about that in a separate article this month by Peggy Martin.

Our Finance Committee reported that we are now officially Sun Lakes Pickleball Club Cottonwood, Inc. The search is on for an insurance policy that will cover all members (currently 451), board officers, and grounds day to day, as well as all social events associated with the club on our home turf. Speaking of dues and $$, the latest bonus is that all current members who reach the spectacular age of 80 now play dues-free, but they still pay the $25 a year, which goes into our maintenance fund. The club also sponsored a hole for the Cottonwood Lady Niners’ Member-Guest tournament. We are all in this community together!

Valentine’s Day saw the pickleball area and upper deck kitchen area a sea of pink outfits. Players participated in some original and hilarious games of skill(?) on courts 5, 6, and 7, and then they feasted on the goodies our superb Social Committee provided. We must be doing something right, because last Valentine’s Day and last NIT final day were so cold and windy that only the hardiest fans stuck around. This year, both were blessed with the perfect weather we all appreciate. Oh geesh, I hope I haven’t jinxed us! Nah! Keep your paddle up and a smile on your face!