Dee Rasmussen
The Sun Lakes Rotary Club Rotarian for the month of April is Mary Louise Lansbarkis – a hard-working lady who makes work lots of fun! She is an incredible asset in our Rotary Club.
Mary Louise joined our club in September, 2012. She became our president for our Rotary year of 2015-2016. She is a Paul Harris Fellow.
Mary Louise is very active. She just finished spearheading our Easter Egg Hunt, assembling Rotarians to stuff 1,500 plastic Easter eggs with candy kisses and coins so the youngsters would have a blast finding them and the prizes within. She is very active in planning many of our social activities, including our annual picnic and Christmas dinner party each year.
Mary Louise resides in Oakwood. She attended William Penn University. She has four children, seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild.