Tag: events

Sun Lakes – Cottonwood Palo Verde at Sun Lakes

  Message from the President Anne Montgomery Dear Homeowners: Don’t miss the 11th Annual Art at the Lakes on Saturday, March 2, benefiting the “Sun Lakes Emergency Relief Fund” set up by local firefighters. This fund provides assistance to our community after a fire or an accident. There will be 85 local artists and craftsmen…

More of Diana Perez in 2019

Happy New Year to all you Sun Lakers. It is time again for music and friends. Diana Perez will be back to sing her songs and entertain you while you sip on your cocktail and enjoy the evening. The music will bring back all those memories from the ‘40s to the ‘70s. If you have…

Dinner with Honest Abe

Abraham Lincoln embodies much of what we feel about our country. He was a man of wit and wisdom – not to mention a sense of humor! A memory of him: while walking along a dusty road in Illinois, he was overtaken by a stranger driving to town. Lincoln asked him, “Will you have the…

Sun Lakes Dance Party – Feb. 21

  The Sun Lakes Dance Party, sponsored by the Fun Lakers Club, is held in the Cottonwood San Tan Ballroom, always on a Thursday. The schedule for 2019 is as follows: February 21, March 21 and April 11. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., dance lesson begins at 6:30 p.m. and open dance is from 7:00…

Out with the old and in with the new year

Elaine Kraemer, CWPV Foundation President The CWPV Foundation finished 2018 with a flourish at the Third Annual Eat, Drink and Be Merry Dinner and Charity Raffle! The San Tan Ballroom was beautifully decorated and full of holiday lights. The food was delicious and ample. After the raffle, the Riff Raff Band provided music for the…

Sun Lakes – Cottonwood Palo Verde at Sun Lakes

  Message from the President Anne Montgomery Dear Homeowners, Great news! In January, our CWPV HOA launched a new program enabling homeowners to purchase tickets for the TAD shows online. This service will make it convenient for those unable to visit Homeowner Services, those traveling or those away for the summer to secure tickets for…

Sun Lakes Chorale welcomes spring

  Yvonne Orlich With the holidays behind us the Sun Lakes Chorale is looking forward to spring and has begun preparing in earnest for the upcoming Spring Concert. Mark your calendars, because the date is set – Thursday, March 14, at 7:00 p.m. (doors open at 6:30 p.m.). The venue will once again be the…