Tag: events

Purple Heart Day – August 7

  Matt Niesz On Friday, March 16, 2018, Governor Ducey signed Senate Bill 1089 – Purp1e Heart Day, sponsored by Senator Sonny Borrelli, R-Dist. 5. The legislation recognizes August 7 as “Purple Heart Day” in Arizona. It was on August 7, 1782, at his headquarters in Newburgh, New York, that General George Washington, the Commander…

Jewish High Holidays fast approaching

Doris Codkind, Publicity We are approaching the most sacred time on the Jewish calendar… the High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. From the blowing of the Shofar, listening to our incomparable choir and guest musicians and the haunting strains of Kol Nidre, we are steeped in this warm sense of tradition and community.…

Fun Lakers Club news

  Carole Sinicki For all Sun Lakers who are in town this month, why not come out and join us for the Fun Lakers Club Game Night on Saturday, August 18. It is open to members, as well as non-members. We will meet in the Ceramics Room at Cottonwood at 6:00 p.m. There will be…

Sun Lakes Garden Club August meeting notice

Starla Kramer The Tuesday, August 21, monthly meeting will be a fun and casual gathering led by one of Sun Lakes’ most creative do-it-yourself party decoration experts, Berta Resovsky! Berta makes any project fun! August is a great time to stay inside and create decorations for our December holiday brunch. It’s a great way to…

White Elephant Sale scheduled for November

  Ellie Clark Although summer is upon us and many of our hard workers are gone during this time, there are still many of us who live here year-round who are still hard at work. We look forward to a successful bazaar and White Elephant Sale in November. This year will bring changes to this…

August at the Ed Robson Library

  Keep cool and join us for the following programs in August! Tuesday, August 7 at 1:00 p.m.: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction* Be in the present moment. Mindfulness practice will help you relax, focus and breathe, calming the mind and body. Studies have confirmed that practicing mindfulness improves physical symptoms such as pain, high blood…

SLUMC Tuesday Nights  Together for July

  Bev Tarpley July 10 – Welcome to the World of Fine Tea: Diane Eddy Shrouded in the mist before recorded history began, humans discovered tea leaves growing in the rugged mountain jungles of the southern edge of China’s Yunnan Province… thus begins the story of tea. Come along with Diane Eddy, a Master Tea…

NAILS program to feature acclaimed local author

Catherine Hammond This summer, New Adventures in Learning, a lifelong-learning program, presents a reading by Phoenix writer Andrea Avery. On July 12 at 10:00 a.m., the author will read from her memoir, Sonata: A Memoir of Pain and the Piano. The book chronicles Ms. Avery’s journey from promising classical pianist diagnosed with severe rheumatoid arthritis…