Linda Cools In a chaotic world, once in a while, we all need to step back from our lives. In an ultra-fast society bombarded by social media outlets, we desperately need a social, physical, and emotional reset. We all carry a lot of baggage from our past and present. Oftentimes, it’s that very baggage, which…
Tag: events
July 2024, Clubs & Classes
Julie’s Fitness

Julie Bauman invites you to come to her classes at the Cottonwood Palo Verde Fitness Center on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8 and 9 a.m. For the past 15 years, Julie has been teaching Group Fitness in the Chandler, Sun Lakes, and South Gilbert area. She currently has punch cards available 10 for $40…
July 2024, Sports
Save the Date!
The 2024 Bradshaw/Neu Tennis Tournament, sponsored by the Cottonwood Tennis Club, will take place Sunday, Dec. 1, through Saturday, Dec. 7. The Bradshaw/Neu is the largest and most exciting tournament of the year for both participants and spectators. Entry is open to all 55+ communities in the area, and all the Cottonwood courts are used…
July 2024, Clubs & Classes
Agave Quilt Guild

Mary La Tourelle Although we don’t hold guild meetings June through August, that doesn’t mean that club members are inactive. In addition to our own projects, many of us are busy working on projects to sell at our Nov. 9 Boutique, which will be held in Sun Lakes Country Club’s Navajo Room. The Oakwood Sewing…
June 2024, Clubs & Classes
Day Trippers Sun Lakes Travel Group
Mike Swoverland Do you enjoy taking day trips but hate the hassle of driving to get to your destination? Do you enjoy the beauty of our state and would like to find a way to see the wonders of our state hassle-free with other Sun Lakes residents who share your passion? The Day Trippers may…
Clubs & Classes, June 2024
Chess Club
Looking for a friendly chess game? Or maybe just looking for help learning how to play? Serious players are welcome, too. We play chess on Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Cottonwood Ceramics Room (A-8). There is no formal commitment. Come when you can and leave when you want. Feel free to…
June 2024, Sports
Masters Tennis Comes to IronOaks!

On April 20 the IronOaks tennis courts featured something new—Masters Tennis. IronOaks Tennis Club member Tony Simonelli introduced spectators to Masters Tennis (also known as Senior Tennis) and gave everyone a chance to participate. This fun and easy-on-your-body game is played with a standard tennis racquet on a smaller tennis court with a slower ball.…
June 2024, Generals
Sheriff’s Posse Holds Successful Event

Bill Shedd The semi-annual National Drug Take-Back and Shred Event was held on April 27 in Sun Lakes by the Sun Lakes Sheriff’s Posse, the Arizona Attorney General’s Office, and other local organizations. This spring event was a huge success, with more than 350 cars going through the line. We shredded over 6,500 pounds of…
June 2024, Generals
Maricopa County Library, Ed Robson Branch, Offers a Broad Range of Programs
Ed Robson Library offers free programs for people of all ages. For a complete list of offerings, visit Ed Robson Library is located at 9330 E. Riggs Road, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248, and is open to the public Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. June Events: Registration is required, and space…
June 2024, Clubs & Classes
Never a Dull Moment in the Arizona Legislature

Dwight Flatt and Ellie Watland Transportation is always a challenge in Arizona, but try transporting yourself back to 1864, and you’ve got a real problem. That’s the long commute legislators have been dealing with this session, and LD 13 Representative Jennifer Pawlik will take you down that road at the Sun Lakes Democratic Club’s (SLDC)…