Pauline Lee Beverly Tall will present a very informative program about orchids at the Sun Lakes Garden Club meeting at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 17. She is an American Orchid Society judge who travels all over the world to judge international orchid shows, as well as those in the U.S. Ms Tall will speak…
Tag: gardening
Features, October 2017
Conservation Corner
Mass extinction events on Earth – Part 1 Pauline Lee In the beginning of the 19th century, people didn’t even believe living species could become extinct. Thus, when Lewis and Clark explored the unknown American Northwest, Thomas Jefferson was surprised no live mastodon was found, even though their bones had been found in New York.…
Features, September 2017
Conservation Corner
Pesticide – Part 2 Pauline Lee Man has made chemicals to eliminate insects, animals or weeds that are considered to be pests by us. There are many pest control companies out there such as who will get rid of pests in our homes for us. Unfortunately, these pesticides also harm man, other beneficial beings…
Clubs & Classes, September 2017
Sun Lakes Garden Club to enjoy Scottish castles and gardens

The Sun Lakes Garden Club will enjoy a photographic journey of very old gardens by Jim Anderson for the September 19 monthly meeting. Visitors are always welcome – “Green Thumbers” or hopeless “Brown Thumbers.” Jim is a retired professor at ASU in engineering. He has traveled the world and enjoys photographing castles and gardens from…
Features, August 2017
Conservation Corner
Pesticides – Part 1 Pauline Lee In 1962, Rachel Carlson made the world aware that pesticides can be detrimental to our health and our environment, documented in her book, Silent Spring. These man-made chemicals were created to kill unwanted pests that spread diseases or reduced crop yields in farms. The chemicals, however, killed pests and…
Clubs & Classes, August 2017
Sun Lakes Garden Club news

Pauline Lee On August 15, the Sun Lakes Garden Club will present Jo Setliff, a Maricopa County Master Gardener. She will cover the basics of vegetable gardening in the low desert to prepare us for planting in the fall. She will focus on the Master Gardener resources available for everyone, provided by the planting calendar…
Features, July 2017
Conservation Corner
Sugar and your health Pauline Lee Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, better economic conditions in the Western world have been accompanied by the appearance and proliferation of chronic health problems that require a long incubation period to develop into life-threatening diseases. Typically, health problems begin with periodontal disease (tooth decay). Then for people…
Clubs & Classes, July 2017
SL Garden Club July meeting to feature Master Gardener

Pauline Lee Our July 18 meeting will feature Jackie Rich, a Phoenix native and a Master Gardener. In 2010, Jackie’s yard was included in the Real Gardens for Real People Tour, organized by the University of Arizona Maricopa County Cooperative Extension Service Master Gardeners. At that time, she was interviewed by a reporter with Arizona…
Features, June 2017
Conservation Corner
Sustainability of our food production – part 2 Pauline Lee Modern agriculture has increased production several-fold in the last half of the 20th century by mechanization and chemicalization, both of which require large energy input. At the same time, the efficiency of modern agriculture has actually decreased drastically if one takes into account the concomitant…
Clubs & Classes, June 2017
This is not your grandma’s garden club

The Sun Lakes Garden Club will be learning about marijuana crops grown here in Arizona at the June 20 meeting. The featured speaker this month is David Grandon from “Harvest of Arizona.” Members and guests will see a slide presentation of the crops and learn about the horticulture of the plants and how botanical research…