Tag: Neighbors Who Care

News From Your Neighbors – Neighbors Who Care Inc.

Make a difference every day Eric Ehst, Executive Director Every October there is a designated national holiday called “Make a Difference Day.” This is supposed to be one day a year when people are encouraged to volunteer their time to make a difference in someone’s life. Volunteers gather on this day to help their neighbors…

The pancakes are coming

Rotarian Rowen Floth, our head flipper.

The Sun Lakes Rotary Club’s most talented pancake flippers are practicing 24/7 to get their arms in shape for our 20th annual Pancake Breakfast! These pancake flippers are the top of the line and are anxiously awaiting the return of our fantastic supporters who come yearly to taste the best of the best! The date…

Medicare update workshop at SLUMC – October 11

Understanding Medicare and its ongoing changes is a challenge! Plan to attend this informative workshop on Tuesday, October 11 from 9:00-11:00 a.m. at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, 9248 E. Riggs Road, Sun Lakes. The presenter will be Shelly Winson with True Choice Benefits. This workshop is being sponsored by Christine Lobdell Raney of Edward…

Introducing your Cottonwood Palo Verde Foundation

In August, the Cottonwood Palo Verde Foundation presented a $6,200 grant check to Eric Ehst, Executive Director of Neighbors Who Care, to upgrade their database software. Pictured (left to right) are Kelz Kelzenberg, Treasurer, Eric Ehst, Executive Director - Neighbors Who Care, Richard Hawkes, Director and Keith Nelson, Secretary.

Maidy Horst Last fall, the Cottonwood Palo Verde Foundation (the Foundation) had just been established. With this new season, it is time to reintroduce the Foundation to our Sun Lakes community. The Foundation was established to enhance the quality of life for the older population in the East Valley, including Sun Lakes residents, in the…

Unity: No worries

At Unity of Sun Lakes we adopt a positive attitude and lifestyle. We follow the teachings of Jesus as well as other spiritual masters. We will be closed during July and August but we invite you to join us on September 4 when our Sunday services resume. At Unity it feels just like coming home…

News From Your Neighbors – Neighbors Who Care Inc.

A volunteer assists a Neighbors Who Care client.

Driving is essential Eric Ehst, Executive Director If you live in Sun Lakes or south Chandler you know how important driving is. There’s virtually no other way to get around. We have no public transportation. Most of us are in areas with no Dial-a-Ride service. Even if it’s available, it’s inconvenient. Taxis are expensive and…

News From Your Neighbors – Neighbors Who Care Inc.

Eric Ehst, Executive Director In April Neighbors Who Care kicked off a major new initiative to better connect, cooperate and collaborate with the communities we serve. The initial meeting of the Neighbors Who Care Advocates’ Circle brought together a group of civic, business and community leaders, along with current and former board members of NWC.…

The Hot Spot

Sun Lakes Fire District Troy Maloney (left) congratulates new Battalion Chief John McBride. McBride, who has been an acting battalion chief for the last several months, was promoted due to Battalion Chief Rob Helie’s promotion to Deputy Chief. Not pictured is newly promoted Battalion Chief Robert Olmsted. These promotions fill out the SLFD command structure. (Photo by LouAnn Sedgwick; caption by Brian Curry).

Sun Lakes resident Jerry Rex and his four year old grandson Brendan Rex visited Station One of the Sun Lakes Fire District to thank the crew of engine 231 and ambulance 231 who came to Brendan’s aid recently. Brendan was visiting his grandparents when he went into respiratory distress and the SLFD crew responded and…