Tag: Results

Niners November Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity As the holidays approach, the board and committee members of the Niners wish the membership and their families a happy holiday season of joy and happy memories. May the new year bring you happiness, good health, and good fortune. Membership. We have four new members: Stuart Bonnerotte, Patrick Kerr, Richard Reiman, and…

Niners October Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity Membership: Gentlemen, this is the time of year when we begin to think about next year’s membership. If you are leaving the Niners, please let a board member know. And while we are on the subject, let’s welcome new member Mike Crewdson, sponsored by Ted Piotrowski. Welcome, Mike, and thanks, Ted. Sadly,…

CMGA September Results

Buddy Meola The Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association started the month of September with the Ace of Aces Qualifier on Oct. 7. The low gross and low net scores from each flight will qualify for the Ace of Aces Tournament, which will be held in December. Blue Flight: Low Gross Jim Rumpler, Low Net Steven Bennett…

SLLGA Results

Sept. 10, Beat the Pro 1st Wanda Chihak; 2nd (tie) Kathy Schneider, Jan Fletcher, Sabrina Erhardt Sept. 17, 13 Net Scores Flight 1: 1st Nadine Stark; 2nd Kathy Schneider; 3rd (tie) Judy Wegener, Pat Waldher Flight 2: 1st (tie) Jan Fletcher, Sabrina Erhardt; 3rd (tie) Cat LaJune, Betty Reagan Flight 3: 1st (tie) Judy Mical,…

CMGA Activities and Results

The monthly Ace of Aces Qualifier was played on Aug. 3. The low gross and low net scores from each flight will qualify for the Ace of Aces Championship at the end of the year. Blue Flight: Low Gross Steve Saturno, Low Net Steve Lowe White Flight 1: Low Gross Paul Brauer, Low Net Michael…

Niners August Golf Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity August brings the dog days of summer. The Romans called August venerable, noble, and majestic. The Romans never played August golf in Arizona where we call it steamy, sticky, and sweaty. Sad News: Having been a Niner since 1999, I was lucky to have met and played golf with a few of…

Niners July Golf Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity The July results are in the books, and we are halfway through the year. Some of us are wishing that the summer was over and that we were playing fall golf. Wow, so far, these last two months have been tough on our members. Gentlemen, another of our former members has passed…

July SLLGA Results

Nadine Stark July 2 – Plant Your Flag 1st Nadine Stark, 2nd Mary Eberle, 3rd Kerri Jerome July 9 – Water Holes, Front 9 Flight 1: 1st Penny Nowicki, 2nd (tie) Judy Wegener, Deb McGrail Flight 2: 1st Wanda Chihak, 2nd (tie) Betty Reagan, Karen Simon, Uni Foster, Jan Fletcher, Mary Bish July 16 –…

Bridge Results

Sun Lakes Duplicate Bridge Club July First-Place Winners Open Pairs: 7/01. N/S: (A&B) Donna Hofer and Frank Bost; E/W: (A,B,C) Barry Siegwart and Nick Klaver 7/02. N/S: (A,B,C) Mike and Catherine Hepburn; E/W: (A) John and Della Schnell, (B&C) Denise Lott and Kay Kennedy 7/04. N/S: (A) Cynthia O’Neil and Pennie Vales, (B) Mike and…