Nancy Zier On Thursday, January 15 new officers for the year 2015 were presented to members; President Vicki McKenna; Vice-Presisdent Lorraine Longpre; Treasurer Carol Reese; Secretary Phyllis Mills; Editor Nancy Zier; Historian Joan Berkovec; and Events Coordinator Terri Pate. Many members worked diligently to present a large number of gourds for display and sale at…
Tag: Spirit of the Desert Gourd Patch
Clubs & Classes, January 2015
Spirit of the Desert Gourd Patch Club meeting notice
Nancy Zier A fun-filled afternoon on December 18 began with much chatter and catching up after the Thanksgiving holiday. The laughter of delight began with our annual Christmas Ornament Theft round. All of the ornaments were made from gourds by our members and colored in the most fantastic ways, some adorned with various trims. In…
Clubs & Classes, December 2014
Spirit of the Desert Gourd Patch news and meeting schedule
Our first meeting was held October 16 and we welcomed back many of our members and several guests. We are all working diligently on our Patch quilt. Each member has been asked to complete six shards which are 3 inch by 3 inch gourd pieces and will be connected to complete a beautiful hanging quilt.…
Clubs & Classes, November 2014
Spirit of the Desert Gourd Patch – November 2014
Vicki McKenna We welcomed all our members back at our meeting held October 16. We all had a great summer. Some spent time exploring new techniques in gourd art while others enjoyed time spent with friends and relatives catching up on the year. Most of our members are back and excited to share and learn…
Clubs & Classes, June 2014
Spirit of the Desert Gourd Patch takes summer hiatus
Kathy Kopjak Some people might ask, “What is a gourd patch and what do you do at a Patch meeting”? The answer to that is as follows, Spirit of the Desert shall be directed to the education and instruction of those persons who are interested in the growing, culture, uses, history, crafting and fine art…