Pastor Mitch McDonald, Sun Lakes Community Church No matter what window I look out these days, our world is on fire. Topics of most conversations are what the results of the elections will be, global weather events, civil unrest in our own nation, the war in Ukraine, the war in the Middle East, global food…
Tag: Sun Lakes Community Church
May 2024, Religion
Community in a World Divided
Pastor Mitch McDonald, Sun Lakes Community Church In April the front page of the Splash highlighted a musical that the Jewish congregation put on for the community called A Deli Line. It was a grand success that featured great fun for all in attendance. What couldn’t be seen on the front page of the paper,…
February 2024, Religion
Whatever You Do, Don’t Stop Now
Pastor Mitch McDonald, Sun Lakes Community Church It is now February. One month of 2024 has already flown by. At this point, many of us have either succeeded in accomplishing some goals for 2024 or failed. Personally, I am not one to usually make a lot of resolutions, but having goals in our lives is…
Religion, December 2023
Chaos at Christmas
Pastor Mitch McDonald, Sun Lakes Community Church Christmas is a wonderful time of year, but so often it feels that along with Christmas comes chaos. When young children are around, there is the chaos of anticipation and gifts and wrapping paper and toys and all that comes with that. When it involves teenagers, well, when…
September 2023, Religion
A Wise Man Once Said
Pastor Mitch McDonald, Sun Lakes Community Church What is it about wise words that catches our attention? We see examples of them all around the world. One old Chinese proverb says, “One cannot refuse to eat just because there is a chance of being choked.” From Africa we get the proverbial wisdom that, “A loose…
Religion, June 2023
A Season to Prepare—Sun Lakes Community Church
Do you get songs stuck in your head very often? These catchy little earworms can be fun, reminders of good memories, and, at times, even a little annoying when we can’t get them out of our heads. One of these catchy songs that can often become an ear worm is a song by the Byrds…
Religion, January 2023
Real People

Pastor Mitch McDonald During this holiday season that is just wrapping up, we have been focusing on the “Characters of Christmas” during our times of worship at Sun Lakes Community ChurchSun Lakes Lady Putters. I will be honest with you; when we planned the series, I thought that was a catchy title, but as I…
Religion, November 2022
Anchor Points
Pastor Mitch McDonald, Sun Lakes Community Church In 1981 I began my journey of ministry not necessarily knowing what or where that would lead me but knowing that God had a very specific call on my heart and life to serve others with His love, grace, and mercy. During those 41 years, I have learned…
Religion, September 2022
What Really Matters
Pastor Mitch McDonald, Sun Lakes Community Church In 1978 the pop, soul, and jazz fusion band Earth, Wind & Fire released one of the most catchy and memorable tunes of that time, “September.” The very first line of that song asks, “Do you remember, the 21st night of September?” It goes on in the song…
Religion, August 2022
Finishing Strong
Pastor Mitch McDonald, Sun Lakes Community Church I recently had a conversation that brought the words of 2 Chronicles 15:7 to mind: “be strong and do not lose courage, for there is reward for your work.” I had the privilege of visiting with Dr. Marc Drake, Pastor of First Baptist Church Sun Lakes. During our…