Tag: Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation

All about Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation

Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation, a long-established Reform congregation that is conveniently located in Sun Lakes, strives to meet the needs of all generations within the East Valley. What makes SLJC unique are our monthly services that blend beautiful and liturgy with meaningful prayer and rituals. During our services on Friday night, May 10, we will…

To mourn, to remember – Holocaust remembrance

Rabbi Irwin Wiener, D.D. The German Jewish Political Theorist, Hannah Arendt (1906-1975), wrote during the trial of Adolph Eichmann in Israel: “It was as though in those last minutes he (Eichmann) was summing up the lessons that this long course in human wickedness had taught us – the lesson of the fearsome, word-and-thought-defying banality of…

SLJC to host Congregational Passover Seder April 20

Commemorating the story of Exodus that recounts the freedom of the Israelites from slavery in Ancient Egypt, Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation will host a Congregational Passover Seder that will be held on April 20, the second night of Passover, at the Palo Verde Country Club! Everyone is invited! Bring your kids, grandkids, friends and neighbors…

Friends of Israel, SLJC, presents Intel VP April 28

The Friends of Israel, Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation, presents Zivit Katz-Tsameret from Intel where she is Vice President, Manufacturing and Operations Factory Manager, Fab Sort Manufacturing. She will speak about her personal road to success as an engineer with Intel! What is happening at the Ocotillo Intel? Why Israel is a leader in technology and…

You are invited

  A New Year and a new YOU! Be Healthy, Be Happy and make new friends! Havurah Chai is the place to be as we are entering our fourth year of fun and friends. We have a wide variety of events, plus lunches and dinners and will be celebrating our fourth anniversary with dinner at…

Something for everyone

  Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation, a long-established Reform congregation that is conveniently located in Sun Lakes, strives to meet the needs of all generations within the East Valley. Whether new to the area, a long-time resident of East Valley communities, looking for an opportunity to learn more about Judaism or reconnect with your heritage or…

Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation news

  Doris Codkind, Publicity As we move into the New Year 2019, we continue to reach out to the many new arrivals in the East Valley. The Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation (SLJC) is an established reform congregation that meets on the second Friday of the month at the Sun Lakes Chapel, Riggs Road and Sun…

Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation prepares for Hanukkah

Doris Codkind, Publicity December promises to be a very interesting and entertaining month for our congregation. Who cannot get excited about Hanukkah which begins at sundown on December 2. Young and old alike look forward to this happy holiday. Something is new in the Adult Education area. We are starting a Shabbat Film Salon series…