Tag: tennis

Cottonwood Player of the Month: Carol McCulley

The McCulley backhand

Rod Hayward At 85 years of age, Carol still plays tennis for an hour and a half every day, twice on Tuesdays. “I go to the gym three times a week. It keeps me fit and helps me avoid injuries.” Watching Carol play tennis in the Cottonwood Tennis Club Gender Doubles Tournament reminds me that…

SL Tennis Club Tournament

Great weather for a tourney!

Jerry Vance It was a beautiful sunny Saturday, January 23 when The Sun Lakes Tennis Club hosted SunBird in a friendly tournament. Starting at 8:30 a.m. with hot coffee, donuts and fruit, play was competitive all day with a big lunch served while play was progressing. SunBird ended up winning but we all had a…

Jason Morton Tennis Classic set for March 3-6

Jenny Browne Whether as a spectator or player, join us March 3-6 for the annual Jason Morton Tennis Classic (JMTC). The JMTC is a Unite States Tennis Association (USTA) sanctioned tournament that attracts nationally-ranked talent and awards cash prizes in each age category for men and women. The IronOaks Tennis Club could not do this…

Sun Lakes Tennis Club Hot Dog Tournament

Winners for the Hot Dog Tournament were Ron Welde, Faye Haynes, Maurice Allen and Wayne Holley.

Jerry Vance Each year Ed Champion cooks up the best hot dogs for our fun tournament. This year on January 16 was no exception. Winners for the Hot Dog Tournament were Faye Haynes, Ron Welde, Maurice Allen and Wayne Holley. Everyone had a great time – see you at the next one, The Sunshine Shine…

Cottonwood 2016 Gender Doubles Tournament results

Cottonwood Gender Doubles trophy winners

Rod Hayward Men – Red Division: Champions Bill Gosiak and Steve Nolan, 2nd Bruce Beelman and Larry Sundsrud, 3rd Dave Cain and Rob Campbell; Green Division: Champions Hal Davis and Spencer Roberts, 2nd Bruce Brooks and Dave Markell, 3rd Bill Bailey and Clive Timm; Blue Division: Champions Steve Norvet and Bill Triquart, 2nd Paul Reidell…

Sun Lakes Tennis Club

Paul Patterson, Treasurer, Betty Dunn, Secretary, Mary Jane Robinson, President, Dan Thorsen, Vice President, Denise White, Intra club tournaments and Wayne Taylor Inter club tournaments.

Jerry Vance The Sun Lakes Tennis Club is starting 2016 out with our first potluck dinner and meeting. Potlucks are the second Wednesday of each month so come enjoy great food, fellowship and the meeting. This year’s leadership is Paul Patterson, treasurer, Betty Dunn, secretary, Mary Jane Robinson, president, Dan Thorsen, Vice president, Denise White,…

IronOaks Tennis Club serves up the New Year

Raffle coordinator Betty Sanders and IronOaks Tennis Club President Judy Gahide raising money for Neighbors Who Care.

Denise Lott IronOaks Tennis Club welcomed the New Year by inviting our neighboring communities to join them in a day of social tennis with potluck specialties. The weather was perfect as 80 club members and visitors got together to start the new tennis year with exercise and camaraderie. Our guests came from Robson Ranch in…

Play better doubles: choose a better court position

Al Wagner, Don Neu and Bob Pivec; Photo by Mary Burke

Rod Hayward Welcome to the first in a series of articles from the Cottonwood Tennis Club designed to help the community play better tennis. According to three instructors in the Cottonwood Tennis Club, nothing affects performance more than where we choose to play on the court. For Don, finding the proper court position is helped…

Cottonwood Wednesday Tennis League

Pictured (left to right) are Team Captains Sue Elsner, Kim Schmuck, Mary Ann Rice (League Coordinator), Kay Strauman and Georgia Day. Not pictured, Sue Thomas.

Sue Elsner December 16 was the last day of the fall Wednesday Women’s Tennis League in Cottonwood. ‘Twas the season as well for the end-of-the-league party, including lunch, gifts and awards. Mary Ann Rice, league coordinator, had organized the lunch and awards, as well as the outdoor heaters for the chilly morning event. The winning…

Sun Lakes Tennis Club

Enjoying the dinner!

Jerry Vance We had a good December with the annual dinner on December 12; everyone was dressed in their Christmas finest. Events in January were a meet with IronOaks that was canceled and turned into a social. On January 16 we held our own Hot Dog Tournament and on January 23 we had a good…