Tag: veterans

SOS for WWII vets

Joe Bonavire I am Joe Bonavire, founder of sosww2vets, a non-profit organization to help World War II veterans in whatever way we can. Since our founding in 2009 we have raised thousands of dollars. We have sent veterans of D-Day back each year on the anniversary of that unforgettable day. We have also sent Navy…

Korean War/Korea service

Pictured (left to right) KWVA State Commander Gene Spruce, Treasurer John Thaxton, Commander Jay Sanderson, Second Vice Commander Mike Tennant, Secretary Diane Schkegek, Director Jesse Gersten, Director Wayne Krula, Judge Advocate Robert Sjolin, and First Vice Commander Richard Veenihuis.

The R Countryman Chapter of the Korean War/Korea Service Veterans will meet on Tuesday, February 23 in the Friendship Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club at 10:00 a.m. KWVA is proud to welcome Don Palmer, the youngest of 80 engineers at Collins Radio Co. in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, who helped design and manufacture all…

Veterans’ Voice

Art Sloane With many veteran organizations in Chandler and Sun Lakes there are many deserving veterans that should be recommended for the Veterans Hall of Fame. How do you nominate someone for this honor which is given to only about 20 veterans a year out of 650,000 for their service after they leave the service?…

Veterans’ Voice

Art Sloane Ernest W. McFarland and the American Dream. The public is invited to experience the new memorial to honor Ernest McFarland. McFarland served as U.S. Senator, Senate Majority Leader, Governor, as Chief Justice of the AZ Supreme Court and was a Father of the GI Bill – helping millions of veterans obtain educations and…

Why veterans are special

Les Blaylock Veterans became veterans because they possessed the honor, bravery and patriotism that they needed, to stand up for their country. These men and women represent everything that we, as a nation, fight to protect, everything we value in life. Our honor, our liberty, our livelihood, lies with them. The biggest sacrifices veterans have…

You are invited! Marine Corp Birthday Ball

“Oldest Marine” Mike Harper, a Sun Lakes resident and WWII veteran, is escorted to the cake cutting ceremony.

Denise Lott The birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps is approaching in November. In keeping with tradition, our East Valley Marine Corps League’s Sun Lakes Detachment 1296 is hosting its annual Birthday Ball. The Ball will be on Saturday, November 7 at the Oakwood Country Club in Sun Lakes. The public is invited to enjoy…

Veterans’ Voice

Art Sloane Operation Freedom Bird Healing Journey is currently raising funds for the 28th annual four-day Healing Journey; 50 combat veterans from all conflicts, along with counselors, will travel to Washington D.C. over the Veterans Day holiday. Operation Freedom Bird was established in 1988 to support combat veterans of all wars, suffering from post-traumatic stress…

Veterans Video

Pictured left to right are Paul Zimmerman from San Tan Rotary, WWII veteran Jack Holder and Orbitel Communications president John Schurz.

San Tan Crown Rotary Club of Sun Lakes and Orbitel Communications are producing a video of conversations with Sun Lakes and SunBird veterans. The project is currently seeking participants for filming, which is scheduled to begin in July. Sun Lakes resident Jack Holder is the project’s first participant. Jack was serving at Pearl Harbor when…

All war veterans news

The Countryman Chapter of the war service veterans will meet on Tuesday, June 23 in the Friendship Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club at 10:00 a.m. This month our guest speaker will be Terry Ataman, the director of the MANA House Veterans Outreach Association, an organization of homeless veterans offering personal, individualized basic resources,…