Tennis Singles Event at Cottonwood

Penny Petersen

Ralph Howland was quick to say that all the fun singles matches going on during April were “not sanctioned or endorsed or anything by CTC. I just saw that Dean Sinerius had gotten some guys together for singles, and it looked like fun.” He agreed to be the organizer, and Ken Nelson did what they called the “fancy scoring.”

Howland sent out a flash to all the green players, men and women, asking if anyone was interested in a singles event. He ended up with five men and three women and a rousing good time. It was organized in a round robin style. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, they were unable to get all of the round robin matches played. But the top two players played in the “Trophy” match. Harvey Brooks won, with Hal Davis taking second place. Ralph made the trophy from a piece of the Palo Verde court that had broken off.

Participants were Ralph Howland, Ken Nelson, Spencer Roberts, Hal Davis, Harvey Brooks, Ollie Johnson, Barb Jorgensen, and Kim Vargas.

“We all had a great deal of fun,” said Ralph, “and I’m sure it will happen again.”

For information regarding membership in Cottonwood Tennis Club, contact Barb Jorgensen at