You’re Buggin’ Me, by Linda Davis
Ken Duquaine
On March 9 the Sun Lakes Camera Club (SLCC) played host to the Arizona Camera Club Council’s (ACCC) Spring Roundup. ACCC is a federation of 17 camera clubs in Arizona whose purpose is to promote the mutual enjoyment of photography, to encourage the advancement of its members in the knowledge and contributions to the progress of photography, to render service to its member clubs for the purpose of promoting the enjoyment of photography through membership in local camera clubs, to provide a means of exchange of ideas and ready communication through its various clubs, and to further the programs and activities of the Photographic Society of America. ACCC holds Roundups in spring and fall, which include photo competitions, providing members of its clubs with the opportunity to compete with members of all ACCC member clubs and to view the submitted print and projected image entries. Each Roundup includes a presentation by a noted photographer as well as a noon luncheon for all attendees. The presenter for our Spring Roundup was award-winning photographer Larry Cowles who gave two very informative presentations entitled “Portraits In and Out” in which he discussed ways to control both natural and studio light for portraiture, both outdoors and in the more formal studio setting. He also suggested ways in which the photographer could enhance his models’ appearance for more engaging photos.
The Spring Roundup included 245 print entries, all of which were displayed in the San Tan Ballroom of the Cottonwood Country Club, which was the venue for the event. All digital entries were projected on a screen for viewing by the attendees. An important and much-anticipated part of each Roundup is the announcement of the award winners in both print and digital competitions. Awards in both divisions include first, second, and third place; Acceptances; and Honorable Mentions in each competition category, as well as individual club awards and a Best of Show photo.
SLCC members’ entries did very well in this competition, and we are especially proud of member Linda Davis who won both a first- and second-place award in the print competition. Her delightful first-place photo is entitled You’re Buggin’ Me.
Much credit for the success of this important event goes to members John Livoti, who is also president of ACCC and acted as master of ceremonies for the Roundup, and president Samantha Palmatier who organized the work of several of our member volunteers who were instrumental in assuring the successful hosting of this activity. SLCC will also host ACCC’s Fall Roundup later this year.
The Sun Lakes Camera Club meets on the second and fourth Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Lecture Hall of the Cottonwood Country Club from October through April. For more information about the SLCC and its activities, contact SLCC President Samantha (Sam) Palmatier at 907-727-0334 or [email protected] or past President Lynn Thompson at 480-734-0040 or [email protected], and visit our website at www.sunlakescameraclub.com.