From left are Brant Weber, Joe Sigullo, and Richard Sobczak
Maynard Iverson, Recorder/Scribe, St. Stevens K of C
At a ceremony held at the Sheraton Crescent Hotel in Phoenix on June 10, three Sun Lakes men joined a hundred Arizonans from across the state to be initiated into the Knights of Columbus’ Fourth Degree. Four Sir Knights from St. Steven’s Assembly 2356, including presiding officer Marcel Baadte, also attended the event, along with five spouses. Overall, over 300 members and guests took part. District, provincial and state officials in the organization conducted the ceremony. The Class Honoree was former District Master for Arizona, Robert Holsinger. San Xavier del Bac Assembly 14 in Phoenix hosted the June 2017 Exemplification.
The Knights of Columbus is a world-wide organization of nearly two million Catholic men in 15,000 councils and 2500 assemblies. It is dedicated to serve its members, parishes, communities and nation through acts of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. These four “pillars” of the Order guide the activities of the councils and assemblies that make up the Knights of Columbus. According to Wikipedia, in 2016 the Order gave over $177M directly to charity and performed 73.5 million hours of volunteer service!
The Fourth Degree is dedicated to patriotic activities, most notably, the Honor Guard, that is the visible arm of the Knights. Honor Guard members serve in full regalia at major events such as the visitation of the Bishop or other church officials, and at public sacraments such as first communion, confirmation, marriages and funerals. In addition, Assembly 2356 collects hygiene materials for active military personnel, volunteers at the AZ StandDown for Homeless and Needy Veterans, conducts ice cream socials for VA patients (in cooperation with the local Marine Corp Reserve), works the grandstand at the Arizona State Fair to help pay for Coliseum rental for the StandDown, and awards scholarships to area JROTC students. Along with business and recreational meetings, a spring formal and several family dinners are held to emphasize social values and reward member participation.
Anyone interested in learning more about the Knights should contact Grand Knight John Weindorf at 480-785-4984 or [email protected].