Unity Community Helps to Feed Starving Children

Recently, six Unity Church of Sun Lakes volunteers participated in a service project that will change the lives of 56 children worldwide. The group was part of a team that helped package 3,420 MannaPack Rice™ packages at the Mesa Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) packing center. That translates to 20,520 meals, or enough to feed 56 children for an entire year. MannaPacks™ are food formulas consisting of excellent sources of protein, carbohydrates, and key nutrients that are acceptable worldwide for anyone over the age of one. And there are millions and millions of malnourished children throughout the globe.

The volunteers agreed it was amazing to have experienced the impact of helping to feed food-deprived children. “It was the most meaningful use of my time ever,” said one volunteer.

Feed My Starving Children was founded in 1987 and has reached more than 70 countries through hundreds of food distribution partners. FMSC’s goal is to eliminate hunger at its roots. It is a completely volunteer organization that receives no funding from governmental sources. It is a Christian nonprofit organization.

Unity Church of Sun Lakes plans to visit and volunteer often. If you want to be part of an amazing service project, visit www.unityofsunlakes.org/contact-us.