Kay Davis
Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a New Thought Spiritual Community. Our goal is to live our lives in peace, love, healing, and oneness with our families, friends, and all sentient beings over the globe. Rev. Jeanne records our Sunday services online so we can watch them each week on YouTube. To join us at Unity, open our website, www.unitychurchofsunlakes.org, and click on services.
In 1983 John Randolph Price published the book, The Manifestation Process. In this book, he explained the way affirmative prayer works. By moving into prayer with a joyful and grateful heart, knowing your problems are solved and your needs are already met, we open the way to alignment with Spirit. The secret and most important thing is to be thankful while your good is still invisible. You must not wait until it is visible to express your gratitude, or you will delay the entire process or perhaps cancel it out altogether. Once you surrender to the Good Will of God, the universal creative system is in operation, and the activity of Spirit is moving in Divine Order. For you to be in tune with all the channels that God has selected for your good, there must be a deep feeling of gratitude in your heart. Gratitude releases a dynamic current of spiritual energy to go before you to exert a mighty influence in your world. It literally forms a connective link, a bridge, between you and every possible source of good in your life. God works in mysterious ways and performs wonders through an infinite number of channels and through a feeling of gratitude and praise for the Master Consciousness within. You put yourself in alignment with all the riches of the universe. Start your day with a grateful, joyful heart, knowing your problems are solved and your needs are met.
Activities: The Reiki Circle meets on Zoom every Tuesday morning from 9:30 to 11 a.m. If you want to join, call Lois at 480-883-6699.
Prayer Partners: Meets Wednesday morning from 10 to 11 a.m. on Zoom. If you want to be included, send an email to unitychurchofsunlakes.org and Julia will put you in the system.