Unity: Prosperity and Abundance

Kay Davis

When many people hear or see the word prosperity, they automatically think of money; and although Webster’s Dictionary mentions achieving economic wellbeing, it also relates the word to strong, thriving, flourishing and enjoying vigorous and healthy growth. Here at Unity, we see God as the source of unending supply and as we affirm our Oneness with God we are indeed healthy, wealthy, loving, peaceful, joyous and wise. As we stay in faith with our meditations, prayers, reading of Unity or other positive literature and serve where we are led to serve, we also deny thoughts of scarcity or limitation. God is bigger than any problem. At Unity, as long as we are alive in this physical world, we will continue to grow, thrive and flourish. This is our prosperity and abundance and for this we are deeply grateful.

Events, Classes and Services are as follows:

Sunday Celebration: Our church services are held in the Arts and Crafts room of the Sun Lakes Country Club at 9:30 a.m. Reverend Debbi Brown is our minister. Coffee and fellowship follows the service.

Guest Musician: Opera singer Linda Moser will do our special music on December 7 as a part of our Sunday service.

Special Attraction: Just for fun and your soul’s delight, Armand and Angelina, International Peace Performers will entertain us in the Phoenix room at Cottonwood on Thursday, December 11 from 2:00-3:30 p.m. See separate picture and article in the Splash.

Prayer Team: Anyone who would like to be supported by the prayer team with affirmative prayer can contact Rev. Debbi at 602-309-1818.

Reiki Circle: This group meets on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in Room A-2 of Cottonwood Country Club. For information call Lois Valleau at 480-883-6699; cell: 415-760-3585.

Unity Website: Unityofsunlakes.org. Julia Norton continues to do a wonderful job at presenting information with pictures and archives of Rev. Debbi’s past lessons. Thank you Julia.