Unity: Resilience—Bouncing Back

Kay Davis

Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a New Thought Community. We celebrate Peace, Love, Light, Joy, and Healing. We practice affirmative prayer and positive thinking, and we support one another in living a Spirit-centered life. Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin is our spiritual leader and has been giving her lessons on YouTube in July and August every Sunday. We will be meeting in person again on Sept. 10 at 10 a.m. in the Arts & Crafts Room of Sun Lakes Country Club 1. All are welcome.

World-renowned pioneer in integrated medicine, Joan Borysenko, was interviewed by Katy Koontz for the September/October Issue of Unity magazine. Resilience is what psychologists call post-traumatic growth, a powerful time of self-discovery and an opportunity to develop new strengths because you have been diverted out of your comfort zone.

This is from Harvard Business Review 2002, an article that discusses three universal secrets of resilience. First is having a resolute acceptance of reality. We must face the facts and ask ourselves, “How can I respond most skillfully to this challenge here and now?” The second is having a deep belief that life is meaningful. This is a Spiritual belief. The third secret is an uncanny ability to improvise and make the most of what you’ve got. We have infinite possibilities to deal with our issues. Let’s allow Spirit to lead us in a new direction. This is a time for us to grow, lose our fears or discouragements, and deepen our hope and faith. In God we are strong.

Activities: Welcome back to the Arts & Crafts Room on Sept. 10 at 10 a.m. at Sun Lakes Country Club 1.

Reiki: This group meets weekly at Cottonwood in Room A-2 at 9:30 a.m. If you are out of town or unable to meet in person, there is a Zoom meeting led by Mike, and if you would like to join on Zoom, let Mike know so he can add you to his list. His email address is [email protected].

Prayer Partners: Meets every Wednesday at 10 a.m. on Zoom. To join this group, email Julia Norton at [email protected].

Website: unityofsunlakes.org