Veterans’ Voice

Art Sloane

The Phoenix Chapter of the Gold Star Wives, a group of women and some men who have lost their spouse because of war time injuries, is sponsoring a fundraiser along with Wreaths Across America. During Christmas a wreath will be put on every grave at the Arizona National Cemetery. If you order a wreath from the organization, $5 of every donation goes to the Gold Star Wives. Call Nina Stanbarger at 520-249-9709 for information. The low cost for a wreath is only $15.

Nana Knows PTSD, is a collection of books for talking with your family and children about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It’s never easy, but Nana is an author who gives those battling PTSD a non-threatening way to introduce and discuss the topic with family members of any age. Anita Miranda’s book Nana’s Helping Hand with PTSD was written with the intention of helping families learn that PTSD has an impact on everyone in the family and community­­—not just the traumatized person. Families do not often understand. Recently a veteran’s family struggled with the anger, silences and other symptoms. After watching the DVD with their children, the veteran took the next step and asked for help. According to PTSD United, more than 70 percent of adults in the U.S. have experienced some type of traumatic event at least once in their lives. Of those about 20 percent develop PTSD as a result. The collection of Nana Knows PTSD in available through Amazon or for a signed autographed copy visit For more information or call 1-877-605-6389.

The Perch Base submarine veterans of Phoenix will be establishing a permanent submarine memorial in Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza, the front yard of the state capitol. This monument will honor all submariners, past, present and future. It will depict a nuclear submarine executing an emergency surface atop an Azul Bahia granite foundation. The memorial wall will honor all 54 submarines lost in WWII along with 13 submarines lost in peace time. For further information and to contribute to this worthy cause please visit or call 602 866 8506.

As I have written before, I write about ways to save money. If you go into any restaurant or other business please ask if they give a discount. If they do please ask for the veteran’s discount. You may get veterans put on your driver’s license at the driver’s license bureau. They may ask you for your ID so show them your DD214 or VFW card or any other piece of ID that is needed.

Secretary of State Michele Reagan has relaunched the WWII Memorial paver project where individuals and businesses may purchase a commemorative brick to honor the courage and sacrifice of those who fought for freedom around the globe during WWII. From July 4 until September 2, the 71st anniversary of the end of WWII, people can engrave a paver of up to three to six lines of text on either 4” x 8” or 8” x 8” bricks that will be installed in Wesley Bolin Park in front of the State House as part of the WWII Memorial. To design and purchase a paver at a cost of $125 or $500 please contact or call Ashley McCue at  602-542-6170.