We All Need Benefits!

The human and animal bond has been acknowledged for a long time, and scientific evidence was first published about 30 years ago by psychologist Alan Beck of Purdue University and psychiatrist Aaron Katcher of the University of Pennsylvania. Animal assisted therapy is used at the Mayo Clinic. Therapy dog training is available; more information can be found at www.therapydogs.com.

Most of us are aware of pets trained to help owners who are blind, have seizures, hearing impaired, diabetic, helping children in trauma, as well as the joy that comes with sharing your life with a companion.

Many are unaware of the physical and mental health benefits that accompany the human-animal bond. Pets become acutely attuned to our behaviors and emotions. Dogs understand many of the words we use but are even better at the tone of voice, body language, and gestures.

Dogs and cats, in particular, reduce stress, anxiety, depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and playfulness, and can improve your cardiovascular health. Children helping to care for a pet grow up more secure and active. They are valuable companions for older adults, too. They add real joy and unconditional love to your life as well as the benefit of recreational walking.

Pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression; they have lower blood pressure in stressful situations; lower hypertension rates; and elevate both serotonin and dopamine resulting in a calm and relaxing mood; as well as reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness; and aid in your living longer. Studies indicate that those over 65 make 30% fewer doctor visits, and heart attack patients survive longer. If you do not care for cats or dogs, an aquarium with fish to watch can reduce muscle tension and lower pulse rates.

Rover’s Rest Stop Kids are ready and waiting to be that extra special companion for you!  Due to the virus we will not have a meet and greet event at Cottonwood this month. We would love to talk to you and help match you to your new best friend. If you have any questions, let us know at 480-600-2828. Do not forget that we do pet sitting/boarding and can help you in an emergency or if you need to rehome your pet. See us on Facebook or our web pages, www.facebook.com/roversreststop and www.RoversRestStop.com.