Ruth Wilkerson completed this “UFO” wonderful “Homage to Tea” quilt!

Pictured is one of the items for sale at the Nov. 19 Agavé Quilters Boutique, created by Ginger Mays. For those without room for a Christmas tree, this is the perfect solution! The quilt hanging in the background is one of our two opportunity quilts being raffled off. Tickets will be for sale at the boutique.
Debi Loofburrow
We held our first meeting of this season on Sept. 7, and our members have been very busy! Many shared their amazing UFO challenge finished projects. We all needed a little push to get us busy! Our next meeting is on Oct. 5, where our new board members will introduce themselves to the general membership by sharing a few of their own favorite creations.
Our boutique is coming soon! Are you in the market for a unique gift for someone special? Would you like a cozy quilt to cuddle up with a good book? Are you looking for just the right accent to give your table an update? Join us at the Agavé Quilter’s Boutique for a fun day of shopping. There will be hundreds of beautiful, handcrafted items for sale, including quilts, totes, home décor, and more. In addition, we are selling raffle tickets to win one of two gorgeous opportunity quilts. The boutique will take place on Saturday, Nov. 19, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., in the Navajo Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club, 25601 S. Sun Lakes Blvd., Sun Lakes, AZ 85248. We will be accepting cash and checks.
Agavé Quilters Guild is open to new members of all skill levels. General meetings are held September through May on the first Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m., in the Navajo Room at Sun Lakes Country Club, at 25601 S. Sun Lakes Blvd., in Sun Lakes. Each meeting features a brief business update from the board members, a guest speaker, and a “show and tell” session, allowing members to share their projects with the group.
For further information, please contact President Betty Bogaard at [email protected] or Dennie Sullivan, membership chair, at [email protected]. We look forward to welcoming you to our Agavé Quilters Guild, the original Sun Lakes Quilt Guild since 1995!