Helen Seaton, Public Relations Director
The next meeting of Computer Booters will be on Wednesday, Dec. 2, beginning at 1 p.m. This will be a virtual meeting on Zoom. Our speaker will be David Christmas.
David’s presentation is entitled “What’s That in the Sky?—Basic Astronomy.” He will begin with easily seen objects like the Space Station, the moon, and some of the planets, then widen the subject to talk about stars, some constellations, and the universe in general.
David and his wife moved from Toronto, Ontario, to Victoria, BC, on the very west coast of Canada in 1990. When he was living in Toronto, he was an active member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, at the University of Toronto Planetarium, for 15 years. He has always been particularly interested in naked-eye and binocular astronomy. When David and his wife are in Mesa at Silveridge RV Resort, he plays double bass with the East Valley Pops Orchestra.
We will continue to have virtual Computer Booters meetings on Zoom on the first Wednesday of the month at 1 p.m., until we can meet face-to-face again. Our club has many things to offer members, such as free technical assistance, information about new programs, how to use the programs, Microsoft classes, and access to talks and conferences on a variety of topics from APCUG (Association of Personal Computer User Groups). The APCUG classes are free and can be accessed using your computer, tablet, or phone with the Zoom.us app. These classes are an exciting benefit for club members. More information and help are available in the newsletter and on our website at www.computerbooters.org. For more information, contact vpres@computerbooters.org or 480-895-2196.