Word of the Month: Intoxicate

David Zapatka

Reader and fellow Wisdom Seeker book club member, Sandy Goldschein, suggested our word for this month after reading about bliss in the December issue; intoxicating.

Intoxicate /inˈtäksəkāt/ verb; of alcohol, a drug; to make (someone) unable to think and behave normally; to excite, please or elate (someone) to the point of enthusiasm or frenzy.

Origin of intoxicate is Middle English, from Medieval Latin intoxicatus, past participle of intoxicare, from Latin in- + toxicum poison. Its first known use is the 15th century.

To understand the use of this word relative to its effect on another, here are some synonyms you may relate to – charge, electrify, excite, exhilarate, galvanize, thrill, pump up, titillate, turn on.

Used in a sentence:

To be intoxicated by a single glass of wine; I have experienced this pleasure when I have drunk the liquor of the esoteric doctrines – Henry David Thoreaux.

She stood in the warm silence, senses intoxicated by their bond, his scent and body – unknown.

The little bit of beer I drank was not enough to intoxicate me – unknown.

Would you like to share intoxicating experiences you have had with our readers? Please submit any thoughts you may have on this month’s column or any word you may like to share with our readers along with your insights and comments to [email protected].