2 Your Health – Reading this could help you look better

Editor’s Note: “2 Your Health” is a new column in the Sun Lakes Splash dedicated to health issues. Each month different doctors and or medical associations, from varying specialties, will be writing on issues of importance. Articles are based on experiences and independent research conducted by the doctors or medical associations. We encourage anyone considering changing medications and or altering medical therapy, as a result of information contained in these articles, to consult your doctor first. Robson Publishing, a division of Robson Communities, Inc. is not liable for information contained in these articles.

Dr. John Bass

Dr. John Bass

Dr. John Bass

If you’re reading this you must have an interest in plastic surgery. Let’s be honest, everybody has something they would like to fix or change about themselves. So let’s talk about this. Below is a list of reasons why people don’t move forward and have plastic surgery.

Is it safe? When performed by a qualified plastic surgeon in a certified hospital facility with trained anesthesiologists it is definitely safer than driving on the streets of Phoenix, AZ. Choosing any less of the above factors is not where you want to try and save money. Safety should always come first.

1. “I don’t want to look unnatural.” With plastic surgery the goal is to achieve a natural, more rested appearance. You want to get rid of the tired look but not overdo it. That’s where training and experience come into play. Too much of a good thing, even in plastic surgery, is too much! Examples of natural results can be seen on my website. Please check them out.

2. Vanity. It’s a good thing! That’s why we comb our hair, wash our face, apply makeup and buy new clothes. Almost every human has a normal concern about their appearance. It is a natural tendency to correct something that you see in the mirror or bothers you in photos. You remodel your house; what’s wrong with remodeling your appearance?

3. Others opinion. Only do plastic surgery if it’s something that you want done. It doesn’t matter what others think. If it bothers you, then get it fixed. Others are too busy looking at themselves anyway. Any potential critics usually have underlying envy in their comments.

4. Recovery. With any surgery there is bruising and swelling. No matter if it’s getting Liposuction in Dallas, Texas, or getting a tummy tuck in LA, there will always be a period of rest. These typically resolve in one to two weeks. My patients are comfortable and return to social functions by the end of three weeks. The bold ones get active even earlier.

5. Cost. It’s never covered by insurance. They don’t care what you look like! The total fee for surgery includes the surgeon, anesthesia and hospital. Contrary to other medical procedures, exact cost is provided ahead of time. Unlike other items you buy this is something you have with you 24/7, 365. My patients routinely tell me it was worth every penny.

Remember, you buy the best, you only cry once.

Plastic surgery is not as serious as treating cancer, but it still should not be treated lightly. Do your research and get your questions answered before making the final decision. You want to feel as comfortable with your surgeon as possible, so meet them multiple times before you have the surgery. You’re allowed to be picky about who performs the surgery! For example, if you want a female plastic surgeon to carry out the procedure, then ask for one! You’re in full control of your body. The best place to start is with a consultation to address your concerns and options. Once you are satisfied and comfortable with what is being done and who is doing it, then proceed. This may be as quick as the next week or it may take you 10 years to make that decision. When you are ready to get started I will see you in the office!