2020—Part Two

Harry Huckemeyer

Looking back at the start of 2020, it was certainly the start of a year of unexpected surprises. As early as late February, the outbreak of the coronavirus just about put the whole world at a standstill, and social distancing became a new word in our vocabularies. The new theme that became popular was “We’re All in this Together.” Going into the second half of 2020, the problems are still with us, and social distancing still is considered to be a major part of our daily lives, but we are seeing some positive changes that are coming into play that are a major benefit to everybody that I’m sure will be happy to hear. The best advice I can think of at present is to proceed with caution and always be aware of your surroundings.

I’m sure most of you are aware that throughout these early stages in trying to ensure the safety of all, most all the social activities in the area were canceled. Shopping was a challenge for all, as the stores that we routinely shopped in had problems keeping up with the demands of the needs of the public. Additionally, they had to conform to all the guidelines established, ensuring the safety of all in the best manner possible. That problem appears to be taken care of in most cases, thanks to the efforts of those suppliers that tried to keep up with the demands in the best way they could, especially in handling the distribution of the essentials that every household requires.

Hopefully, as we enter the second half of 2020, we will start seeing more of the positive signs that have recently started coming into play. Several of the local restaurants have started to open up their doors once again, with limitations, as they also have to proceed with caution regarding the safety of all. Community services are also opening up some of the facilities, and areas that were put on hold and some of the local clubs are already starting to make plans as we move ahead. If you follow the news locally and tend to get out to walk the lakes or ride your bikes, it is refreshing to see so many taking advantage of the many opportunities that we all have by just hanging our hats in these surroundings. Keep the faith. Things will be getting better, and when the skies appear to be a little darker on any given day, remember that “We’re All in this Together.”

Feel free to call me or send me an email if you have any questions. I’m with the Short Line Model Railroad Club and can be reached at 480-802-4976 or via email at [email protected]. Have a great day.