Susan Gottschalk
The Holiday Luncheon was held in the San Tan Ballroom at Cottonwood Country Club on Dec. 6. Following a delicious lunch, President Peggy Verburgt conducted the agenda of the afternoon. The eight winners of the table game each received a rhinestone ball marker. Winners of each flight for greatest number of holes-in-one for the past season were as follows: Monday: Shauna Bragg 9, Tuesday: (tie) Connie Hogan 6 and Roseann Soczka 6, Tuesday Oakwood: (tie) Shanyn Engler 33 and Marge Duggan 33, Wednesday: Jan Stucky 4. They were recognized and received a cash award.
Installation of officers was held for the new season for President Peggy Verburgt, Vice President Sylvia Lee, Secretary Kathi Bobek, and Treasurer Wanda Johnson. Raffle prizes included three $50 tickets, which were won by Mary Jo Wheeler, Kathleen Downing, and Shirley Werab. Other cash prizes and poinsettias were awarded to the lucky winners of the drawings. The sale of those tickets supports our donations to local charities.
The busy afternoon was deemed a success by those in attendance.