Because of you

Janet Baron, Publicity Chairman

Because of you, the annual Palo Verde Cottonwood Golf for Life cancer fundraiser held on November 17 was the most successful event. Because of you, Linda Grendahl (our chair), Nancy Howell for her organization of the Cottonwood ladies, all participants, players, committees, donors, Palo Verde Men’s League, and last but not least, our helpful golf shop pros, this common desire for success in our endeavor was embraced by all. Their generous hearts and deep pockets, raised $13,125. We surpassed the previous year’s donations by a larger margin than even anticipated.

Our cancer fundraiser was originally proposed by Ruth Rinehardt in 2001; she recently lost her brave battle with this dreaded disease. We have honored Ruth in the past for her desire to raise funds to assist in defeating cancer. We submitted our donations to the U of A cancer organization in support of defeating all cancers. Because of you our contribution will help to bring about success in developing new innovations to defeat all cancers. Thank you all!