
December Is a Time of Faith

Rabbi Irwin Wiener, D.D., Spiritual Leader, SL Jewish Congregation If it is December, it must be the time of Hanukkah and Christmas. Each year, interfaith couples agonize whether the celebration of these holidays are religious adventures or commercial enterprises. There is a tugging at the heart strings because respect for one another’s faith is the…

Will This Christmas Be Different?

Dr. Marc Drake

Dr. Marc Drake, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church Sun Lakes Having been in a pandemic for most of this year, our lives have changed in many ways. And because of this, we may think that Christmas this year will be quite different from previous years; perhaps less enjoyable or meaningful. But will it? It doesn’t…

Unity: If Every Day Were Christmas

Kay Davis Unity of Sun Lakes is a New Thought Spiritual Community. We keep a positive attitude, knowing the powerful Love of God heals us and all the world around us. Reverend Jeanne MacLaughlin records our Sunday services on YouTube, and we can watch them anytime. Search Unity of Sun Lakes, and the date, on…

There Is Always Room in the Stable…

Pastor Marvin Arnpriester I only did what you have done a thousand times, or more, when Joseph came to Bethlehem and knocked upon the door. I did not turn the Christ away, with alibi, so deft. Like you, I simply gave to him, whatever I had left. -Author Unknown I think we have been a bit…

Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation

Joyce Spartonos As we look towards winding down the year, Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation (SLJC) continues to operate virtually. The congregation is happy to announce a full, rich calendar of events for December. It’s called “going out with a bang,” and SLJC is delighted to have been able to keep its membership involved throughout this…

Sun Lakes Lutheran Church Update

Paul Anderson The Sun Lakes Lutheran Church is a mission congregation of Mountain View Lutheran Church. The Church is a worship community dedicated to Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Holy Bible. Services are held at the Sun Lakes Chapel located at 9240 E. Sun Lakes Boulevard N in Sun Lakes Country Club. We…

Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Sisterhood

Esther Spear, Publicity The Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Sisterhood has many exciting programs planned. Our next meeting will be on Dec. 17, at 1 p.m., via Zoom. For many years, we have had group visits to the Phoenix Art Museum. Since we can’t go to the museum, we will have a representative of the Phoenix…