Unity: If Every Day Were Christmas

Kay Davis

Unity of Sun Lakes is a New Thought Spiritual Community. We keep a positive attitude, knowing the powerful Love of God heals us and all the world around us. Reverend Jeanne MacLaughlin records our Sunday services on YouTube, and we can watch them anytime. Search Unity of Sun Lakes, and the date, on YouTube. You can read more about us on our website, www.unityofsunlakes.org.

World Wide Unity’s poet laureate James Dillet Freeman (1912-2003) wrote the following poem about Christmas:

If every day were Christmas, how different life would be,

If not one day but all the year were ruled by charity.

Had we the faith in miracles a child has Christmas morn,

Each day would be love’s manger and Christ would be re-born.

In us again to change and heal our outworn wars and ways,

Had we a child’s or shepherd’s gift for wonderment and praise.

Yet every day is Christmas.

We can always choose to embrace hope, faith, peace, love, and joy in our lives, for infinite good and everlasting love is constantly being born in and through us. Let’s see if we can be aware of these qualities, and whatever day it is, we can say to ourselves, “There’s Christmas!” All it takes is wonderment, praise, and gratitude.

Activities: Reiki Circle meets on Zoom every Tuesday morning, from 9:30 to 11 a.m. If you want to join, call Lois at 480-883-6699.

Prayer Partners meets Wednesday morning on Zoom, from 10 to 11 a.m. If you would like to join, send an email to UnityofSunLakes@gmail.com.