Chordaires Unveil Their New Website

In preparation for the new season, the Chordaires Show Chorus has eagerly been waiting as Lindy Dreyer, member and volunteer webmaster, built their new website. As of today, is ready to help you find whatever you want to know about us. Check it out.

You will find information about:

• Who the Chordaires are as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization—what we offer the community;

• Our music directors and management team;

• Our chorus members, quartets, and ambassadors;

• How to become a member;

• How to book the Chordaires for an event; and

• Our spring show, “A Weekend in New York,” scheduled in the Cottonwood San Tan Ballroom on April 5, 2025, at 2 p.m.

You can also hear a sample of our singing.

Before retiring, Lindy was a self-taught website designer. Her formal education earned her a bachelor of arts degree in elementary education and fine art. But her husband Jack moved frequently with his job, so she was often looking for work. In the late 1990s she taught herself how to design websites after encouragement from her sister who owned a web hosting company.

After designing a few websites to develop a portfolio, she started thinking she could create a website for the nonprofit organization for which she had served as president, the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs, to help mothers all over the country find a local club to join. Through word of mouth and a persistent interest in learning, Lindy found a new career—one she could do from home no matter where home was.

Years later as a member of the Chordaires, she discovered a website software program developed specifically for singing groups with built-in components for all the needs a choir of chorus has. Last spring she volunteered to create a site for the Chordaires. Janet Lewis, president, offered to help write content for the site.

The Chordaires needed a logo to use on the website. So, being a designer, Lindy drafted a few ideas, got input from the members, and then enlisted her daughter Lesley Dreyer, a graphic information designer, to polish up a couple of options, which the members voted on. The winning image makes its debut at

Though the public content is ready, Janet and Lindy continue to work on the private, members-only content. It will save the group many hours in distributing new sheet music and learning tracks, finding each other’s email and street addresses, looking through notes for performance dates and times, and hunting through files to find documents such as Bylaws and Standing Rules.

The Chordaires are proud of the new website and grateful to longstanding members Lindy Dreyer, who built the site, and Janet Lewis, who provided content.