Finding Balance in the Uncertainty of COVID

Pastor Mitch McDonald, Sun Lakes Community Church

The musical Fiddler on the Roof focuses greatly on the theme of tradition. When the main character Tevye explains why they fiddle on the roof in their village, he says, “You may ask ‘Why do we stay up there if it’s so dangerous?’ Well, we stay because Anatevka is our home. And how do we keep our balance? That I can tell you in one word: tradition!”

The last year has challenged the very core of what we believe and what we anchor to that gives us the stamina, ability, and faith to move forward one step at a time. So, what are our traditions? What helps us keep our balance in the midst of the ever-changing world around us?

In the Bible in Acts 2:41-47, we see a group of believers also living in changing times. What were some of their traditions or anchor points in times of uncertainty? First, they searched for what they had in common with each other. They demonstrated genuine concern for those around them. They desired unity. They committed to worship, sincerity, encouraging one another, and praising God continually. As a result, “God added to their numbers daily those who were being saved.”

Those were their anchor points. What are ours? If you, like many in our community, are struggling for balance or anchor points in these days, may I suggest that you consider the following questions: Are we partnering together based on love for Christ and others? Are we concerned to the point of sacrifice for others? Even in the midst of COVID, do we remain committed to worshipping together and encouraging one another? Most importantly, are we committed to praising God no matter what circumstances surround us?

With those questions in mind, how do we take the next steps to maintain our balance? First, we must focus on what brings us together and not on what separates us. Second, while we can’t solve the problems of the world, we can choose to sacrifice to help those around us. Third, as COVID runs its course, we will choose to be a part of worshipping God together with like-minded believers. Last, but definitely not least, we choose to praise God in the midst of uncertain times.