GriefShare at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church

Trying to comfort someone grieving the passing of a loved one is difficult unless you’ve “walked a mile in their shoes” and experienced the grief and heartache of a loved one’s death. Beginning Wednesday, September 6, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, 9248 E. Riggs Road, will host GriefShare, an 11-week support group designed to help those struggling with grief.

The GriefShare Leadership Team at SLUMC is made up of four individuals who themselves have grieved the passing of a loved one, learning how to move forward with the “new normal” in their lives. Pastor Jean’s mother passed after years of living with dementia. John’s wife died after cancer was misdiagnosed. After Anita’s husband died, she struggled with doing everyday chores that her husband used to do. Jim and his wife were married almost 65 years when she passed away.

Grief can turn one’s life upside down and inside out. When that happens, it helps to talk with someone who has “walked that mile.” If you have lost a loved one recently or a while ago and find yourself struggling to face each day, consider being part of the GriefShare class.

Each class is self-contained; if you are not able to attend every class, you are welcome to come as often as possible. The class registration fee of $15 covers the cost of the workbook. For more information or to register, contact the church office at 480-895-8766.