Men’s Club Food Drive

The Men’s Club collected 819 pounds of food during its annual Food Drive!

The Men’s Club collected 819 pounds of food during its annual Food Drive!

During the High Holidays, the Men’s Club organized its annual Food Drive campaign as partner of United Food Bank in the fight against hunger in our communities.

I am delighted to announce that with the help of our congregation we collected 819 pounds of food which will be distributed through charitable United Food Bank partners and will provide 628 meals to those who struggle daily for food.

The Men’s Club would like to thank the Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation members for their compassion and support of the fight against hunger. A special thanks to Sheldon Kruger who supervised the food collection.

On November 2 our club held the monthly meeting in partnership with the Friends of Israel Committee and The East Valley Jewish Community Center. The main speaker, Liora Hamu (a dual Israeli and US citizen), presented the story of her daughter Hadar who elected to travel to Israel alone after graduating from high school in the U.S. in order to serve in the IDF as a combat paramedic through the Lone Soldier Program offered by Israeli Military Forces. The presentation was complemented by video showing stories of other Lone Soldiers including their integration in both military and civilian way of life.