Poland’s Tastiest Tradition

Rose Pachura We are in the planning for a Paczki Party set for Sunday, Feb. 16, 2020, at Cottonwood Country Club in the ballroom. We will be ready for you to receive your paczkis for Fat Tuesday, which is on Feb. 25, 2020. You can freeze these for future usage. Plan on having some Polish food.…

In Passing

Sheryl (Sheri) Hopkins Sheryl (Sheri) Hopkins went to share her laughter, comedic timing, and musical talent with the Lord on Nov. 24, 2019. Sheri was born in Oklahoma on June 30, 1944, but grew up in her beloved Arizona, enjoying the sun, a good game of tennis, and participating in barbershop harmony whenever possible. She…

Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association (CLGA) News

Trudy Houghton Happy New Year and welcome to 2020. Congratulations to the newly-elected 2020 CLGA Board of Directors: President Nancy Hermanson, Vice President Marky Wilson (second term), Secretary Zara Logan, and Treasurer Patti Hegenbarth. We wish you every success in your positions and look forward to a wonderful year of golf. We would also like to…

Golden Goalies—Mission Statement

Bea Loozer In January, many of us think about how to leave a positive impression on the world, and we ponder what New Year’s resolutions we want to make. Goalies join the world in these annual reflections. It’s also a good time to remind ourselves of the Golden Goalies’ mission. Our new captain Janice recently…