Susan Lamb
It sure is great to be back on the course here at Palo Verde! Hopefully, Nov. 11-17 was our last week of cart path only. The Welcome Back Scramble and lunch on Oct. 29 was a huge success, with lots of winners. First place went to the team of Val Verbeck, Melea Reese, Shirley Edmiston, and Naomi Bryson. They each won $12! Congratulations, big winners!
Our next exciting event takes place after this article is due, so no winners to announce. But I’m sure the ladies won the Battle of the Sexes on Nov. 12. The Ladies’ and Men’s Clubs planned this challenging event to finally put to rest the perplexing question of what gender has the best golf skills! It has to be the women, because we also have the cutest golf outfits and golf bags!
Our Holiday Scramble will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 10. This is always a wonderful event, as we play a fun scramble and donate to a deserving charity. Our new officers for 2025 will be sworn in by outgoing president Bonnie Moore. She deserves extra applause, as she has devoted the past three years to successfully guiding our club! Thank you to Bonnie and all the board members for giving your time and creativity to PVLGA! The 2025 officers will be President Naomi Bryson, Vice President Mary Nelson, Secretary Roz Pederson, and Treasurer Carol Healy.
There is still time to join our club for the 2025 season. Just go to the Arizona Golf Association and press Renew Membership. The weather is beautiful, so get out and play golf!