Ragani Rastagi, Social Worker speaking at Chit and Chat


Anne DeRose

Ragani Rastagi, social worker at Hamilton High School in Chandler, Arizona, will be the guest speaker at the February 7, 2018, breakfast meeting for the Community Ladies Chit and Chat Group that is being held at the Oakwood Country Club Stone & Barrel Restaurant Alcove.

The meeting starts at 9:00 a.m., and Rajani will enlighten the group with information pertinent to the Hamilton High School student homeless population and other student issues at the meeting. A fundraiser is being held on January 20 at the Living Room in Chandler for student causes, and she will relate what the fundraiser will have achieved and how the group can assist in endeavors to assist students who are in need.

For information pertinent to the Community Ladies Chit and Chat Group and to make a reservation to attend the meeting and hear this remarkable speaker, please call Rose at 480-802-0775 or Anne at 480-802-9127 or email [email protected].