Restless Minds topic: “Fake News”


From Russian bots to presidential comments to conspiracy theories involving a pizza shop, child porn, the popularity of online porn sites like and a presidential candidate, so-called “fake news” has been a recurring theme for more than a year.

At the next Restless Minds meeting, the discussion group will explore what fake news means and whether it is important or just another political distraction.

The group will meet from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 13, in the Sewing Room of Oakwood’s Arts & Crafts Center.

Restless Minds is a discussion group receptive to all people with open, inquisitive minds. There are no dues or membership requirements. All political and social points of view are encouraged to engage in this friendly exchange of ideas each month. Just show up and participate.

Fake news is typically defined as information spread to intentionally deceive people. March’s discussion leader Bill Gates wonders how much of it is going on and what impact it may be having on American society.

Among other issues to be explored is the role of social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) in spreading misinformation and how much unverified information we spread among our friends and email contacts.

For more information on Restless Minds, contact Bill Gates or Bobbie Reed at 480-883-7410.