Robson Library Celebrates 20 Years

Everyone loves a birthday, whether it’s their own or someone else’s. Birthdays are a celebration and a confirmation that the world goes on. And this year, Sun Lakers will be invited when the Ed Robson Library celebrates its 20th birthday.

It’s hard to believe that the vision of Sun Lakes’ own library was a dream held dear by many residents who had grown tired of depending on a twice-a-month bookmobile sent out by the Maricopa Library System. They wanted their own library!

Sometime in 1998, residents formed the Sun Lakes Community Foundation. Residents were asked to donate $25 to start the campaign, and 501(c)(3) documents were drawn up to make the donations charitable.

In October of 1998, Ed Robson contacted the board of the Sun Lakes Community Foundation and offered them some land if they could raise the money to build by Dec. 31, 2001. By August, the Foundation had raised $600,000 and plans were set for the groundbreaking. It was decided to name the library the Robson Branch of the Maricopa Library in honor of Mr. Robson’s wonderful gift of land valued at $500,000. The library has opened continuously since 2004.

The Sun Lakes Friends of the Library will be celebrating in October. The celebration day on Oct. 19 will be a party. Refreshments will be served, and entertainers will be performing at 10 a.m., noon, and 2 p.m. At this time, the groups will be Yumi La Rosa, a guitar and a flamenco dancer; Meadowlark, a popular group that has performed before; and a clarinet group from Sun City, which has also appeared here before. Programs may change prior to the event.

Also on the agenda is a week-long Scavenger Hunt. Visitors will be invited to find a “golden ticket” somewhere in the library and exchange it for a prize. Prizes will be limited to one per participant, but don’t worry, there are plenty of prizes!

Watch for flyers and more information as we get closer to the event. This will be a party you won’t want to miss!