Tag Archive for Golden Goalies

Golden Goalies – my posse

Bea Loozer Recently I sent a sympathy card to a Goalie who moved back to Chicago and then lost her mother. She thanked me with the claim, “You Golden Goalies are my posse.” I don’t think she meant we are enforcers. I think she was getting at the friendship that has developed around a common…

Golden Goalies – It works!

Bea Loozer Each week Goalies come to the Country Club Mirror Room to weigh in. Rita and Irene weigh us and track our progress. Sometimes we leave that room smiling — sometimes not so much. But we leave knowing we’re responsible (“shouldn’t have had that salty popcorn yesterday” or “it paid to cut that special…

Golden Goalies – BMI

Golden Goalie Margaret (left) congratulates Toni on reaching her goal.

Bea Loozer Congratulations to Toni, who reached her weight goal recently. Everyone in the Golden Goalies is either working on reaching a goal or working to maintain an achieved goal. So it’s time to celebrate Toni and others, each of whom is working on her own goal. Maybe it’s also time to use the internet…

Golden Goalies – A variety of thoughts

Bea Loozer Has anyone determined the percentage of TV ads that promote pharmaceutical drugs? Maybe because I tend to watch programs that are aimed at mature people and pay very little attention to programs aimed at teeny boppers, it seems to me that at least a third of the ads claim to offer a medicinal…

Golden Goalies – celebrating losers

Celebrating with Golden Goalies - Congrats to Lynn, our biggest loser, shown at far right in the photo. And also congrats to Cary, to her right (our left), who did very well at losing too, very close to Lynn’s significant achievement. They were the biggest losers in the last six months. The photo also shows (from left) Carol, Kathy, and Jeanne, who did a marvelous job of hosting our outstanding luncheon.

Bea Loozer At least once a year we have a luncheon to enjoy our community of Golden Goalies and to acknowledge some weight loss successes, especially by the biggest losers. This year we met in April to help those losers celebrate. But we support everyone, so yes to those who earned honorable mention. All losers…

Golden Goalies – sharing info

Adam and Taylor McCown with Golden Goalies

Bea Loozer Each Saturday Golden Goalies come together to catch up on the week’s events, to weigh in, and to share ideas about weight loss. Sometimes we have a roundtable discussion on topics such as ways to get more movement into our daily routine. Other times we have “therapy time,” usually presented by a member…

Golden Goalies – Let’s weigh-in

Bea Loozer Golden Goalies members meet each week. We all agree that the act of weighing in weekly is paramount to maintaining a healthy program. As we spend weeks, months, years together we see long-term patterns in our weight. Last week a member said she has lost over 40 lbs. since joining many years ago.…

Golden Goalies – to our health

Golden Goalie “losers” are lighter now than before the holidays!

Bea Loozer What can we do to be healthier starting in February of 2016? That might be a better question than, “How can we lose weight this year?” Of course, the two questions are related. We know that lowering our weight will contribute to our overall health and reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer and…

Golden Goalies

Bea Loozer We’re starting a new year. Doesn’t that stimulate you take stock and make some commitments? Or call them resolutions. It’s also a time to acknowledge that even though things could be better, they’re not so bad. We are not so bad. In fact, I feel like focusing on what’s good in my life.…