Toni Bolling Lutter Gila Butte Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) presented a U.S. flag to Perry High School as part of DAR’s ongoing dedication to patriotism. The school which opened in 2007 has been without a flag for its administration offices and they requested that DAR donate a flag. The Flag of the United…
Category: May 2016
Religion, May 2016
More photos from the Easter Parade in Cottonwood
Religion, May 2016
Being intentional
Jean Newell, Associate Pastor, Sun Lakes United Methodist Church Many years ago, between keeping up with growing children and pursuing a teaching career, I never gave exercise a thought! I hadn’t grown up with parents who took exercise seriously, so why should I exercise? I ate what I wanted – including fried food and desserts…
Religion, May 2016
Who moved?

Pastor Ron Burcham Pastor Ron Burcham, Risen Savior Lutheran Church April showers bring May flowers. There is nothing like a slow steady all day rain, or a booming thundershower in the afternoon and there has been nothing like that in our area for a very long time. In fact, at the time of this writing,…
Religion, May 2016
Made for the eternal

Marc Drake, Senior Pastor Marc Drake, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church The Bible tells us that God has put eternity into man’s heart. (Ecclesiastes 1:15). This amazing truth is born out in so many ways as we observe the people around us. Look into their eyes. They are filled with longings, needs and hopes. Of…
Religion, May 2016
Unity: The Practice
Kay Davis Unity practices a positive lifestyle. We follow the teachings of Jesus and other Master teachers by way of study, meditation and prayer. Because we know that the Spirit of God is within every one of us, we also know that there is no separation between us and we are all One. For the…
Religion, May 2016
Sun Lakes Community Church welcomes Pastor McGhee’s return

Reverend Jerry McGhee The Board of Directors of the Sun Lakes Community Church is pleased to announce that Rev. Jerry McGhee, a former pastor of the church, is returning to be our transitional pastor beginning May 1 at our 9:30 a.m. morning worship service. Many church members have fond memories of Pastor McGhee and his…
Religion, May 2016
Sun Lakes Lutheran Church news and worship times

Kay Irvin and Becky Merrill Marty Patton Kay Irvin and Becky Merrill, representing the Phoebe Circle at Sun Lakes Lutheran Church, presented Trinity Donovan, Director of the Chandler Christian Community Center a check for $500 from their fundraising efforts the past winter season. The Phoebe Circle is open to all women. In addition to raising…
Sports, May 2016
Cottonwood Men’s Golf results
Results of recent events: 3/05. Ace of Aces – Flight 1 Gross: 1st Mark Higgs, 2nd Terry Denefe; Net: 1st Jay Mays, Cliff Mattson and Tom Wilhelm; Flight 2 Gross: 1st Bill Moore, 2nd Tom Rainville, 3rd Rafael Take and Dan Paxton; Net: 1st Larry Mullins, 2nd Walt Nowicki and Gerry Rooney; Flight 3 Gross:…