Tai chi for health

Take a class with Kim!

Take a class with Kim!

Kim Kubsch

Mayo Clinic and Harvard Medical find that Tai Chi-QiGong is one of the safest physical activities for older adults. So if you want a good recipe to improve your health, attend one of my easy and gentle Tai Chi-QiGong classes in Sun Lakes. Each class is full of nice people who are happy because they enjoy benefits from doing this continually flowing and relaxing exercise. It’s easy to attend, just wear rubber-soled shoes and bring water. No equipment is needed. As a certified Tai Chi-QiGong practitioner, one reason I love this “meditation in motion” is because almost anybody can do it and it can be done anywhere, anytime!

You can modify all the movements for your own safety and comfort and either stand or sit. Nobody cares what anyone else is doing, because they are so relaxed. This is a very individual exercise. Tai Chi-QiGong is practiced for health worldwide by those with arthritis, cancer, COPD, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, neuropathy, stroke rehab, Parkinson’s, MS and aging in general. It is one of a few exercises that leaves people energized and completely relaxed. The reason for this quite dramatic effect is that endorphins are released in the brain and the easy movements increase the blood flow to help relax us.

Try my mixed-level class (for beginners and intermediate levels) on Thursdays from 10:45-11:45 a.m. at the Mirror Room in Sun Lakes Country Club. All drop-in classes are $5.

For residents of Renaissance, classes at the Assisted Living Building are from 9:15-10:15 a.m. and at the Main Building from 10:15-11:15 a.m.

To practice at your convenience, try any of my three easy and gentle Tai Chi DVDs at www.SafeMovements.com or call me at 480-392-3436 for free delivery in the Sun Lakes area.