Nancy Davis, Publicity
Ringer Winners: Our President Denise Fleshner hosted an absolutely wonderful and well-attended General Meeting and Brunch Awards Ceremony on April 12. Because the IWLN has so many amazing members, we have more ladies to acknowledge and congratulate from this meeting in this month’s edition. Deborah Poropat presented the January/February Ringer winners with their “Ringer Score.” Flight #1: Deb Burns (76), Linda Liberti (77), Sandy Krediet (79); Flight #2: Janis Gustafson (86), Susan Meer (86), Judy Thompson (86), Bettie Farr (87), Ann Gavin (92); Flight #3: Lorene Roberts (85), Barb Sletto (88), Sharon Gale (95), Marian Greer (95); Flight #4: Dottie Meade (93), Judy Frink (99), Denise Lott (101) and Mary Swanson (101)
Birdies and Chip-ins: Denise Fleshner presented the January 1 through April 5 Birdie and Chip-in winners: (1 Birdie) Jane Cropley, Ann Gavin, Barbara Johnston, Susan Meer, Vicki Mendenhall, Eileen Moberg, Lorene Roberts, Barb Sletto and Beth Zdeblick; (2 Birdies) Linda Liberti; (3 Birdies) Janis Gustafson and Sandy Krediet.
(1 Chip-in) Paula Bartoo, Jane Cropley, Denise Fleshner, Deborah Greenwood, Marian Greer, Barbara Johnston, Kristen Kasunic, Sandy Krediet, BJ Krause, Mary Medved, Barbara Pezzute, Eileen Moberg, Maggie Robson, Judy Thompson; (2 Chip-ins) Lorene Roberts. Looking at the number of Ringers, Birdies and Chip-ins, a lot of our ladies are playing very well, and I’m sure they are having a great time!
July Breakfast: Ladies, please mark your calendars and plan to attend a Breakfast get-together on July 19 at 8:30 a.m. at the Stone & Barrel restaurant in Oakwood. The breakfast will be right after golf on the 19th. Ladies who do not play golf during the summer are invited to attend this fun social event and catch up on how everyone is “staying cool” this summer.
Membership: If you would like information about our great Ironwood Lady Niners League, please contact our Membership Chair Janis Gustafson at 701-388-5833.